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Jogalong - Minijog

Jogalong - Minijog (1.6k)
Sunday, 2nd October 2016
Place Name Sex Age CAT Grp Grp Act Time Net Pace Elig Points New Grp
1. 7 7 10:32 7:32 4:42 Y 100 8
2. 7 U8 1 4 10:36 9:06 5:41 G 4
3. Rajeev Tamhane   6 U8 2 2 10:58 10:28 6:32 Y 99 3
4. Evan Minto   6 U8 5 5 11:02 9:02 5:38 Y 98 6
5. William Underwood   7 U8 6 6 11:05 8:35 5:21 Y 97
6. Caleb Quispes   8 U10 6 6 11:06 8:36 5:22 Y 96
7. Jacob Miller   11 U12 9 9 11:22 7:22 4:36 Y 95
8. William Robb   5 1 1 11:41 11:41 7:18 Y 94
9. Chloe Miller F 9 U10 9 9 11:55 7:55 4:56 Y 93
10. Gabrielle Cullen F 7 U8 4 4 11:57 10:27 6:31 Y 92
11. Scarlet Robb F 8 U10 2 2 11:58 11:28 7:10 Y 91
12. Lewis Moore   7 U8 3 3 12:08 11:08 6:57 Y 90
13. Zachary Underwood   9 U10 10 10 12:09 7:39 4:46 Y 89
14. Hayley Bullas F 12 U14 7 7 12:10 9:10 5:43 Y 88
15. Liam Bullas   9 U10 5 5 12:13 10:13 6:23 Y 87
16. Rhianon Stephens F 3 3 13:15 12:15 7:39 Y 86
17. Aisha El Ayadi F 5 1 1 14:07 14:07 8:49 Y 85
18. Remy Cullen   5 1 1 14:23 14:23 8:59 Y 84
19. Maya Tamhane F 4 1 1 14:31 14:31 9:04 Y 83
20. Chloe Adams F 5 5 14:41 12:41 7:55 2
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